Safety and security

The department of safety exists to ensure the safest learning environment possible through a layered and comprehensive approach to security, backed by experienced leadership. AOD works closely with local police, fire and emergency personnel to ensure that students have a safe and open college experience.
Emergency notifications
In an emergency, assess the situation, move to a safe location and dial 119
Contact campus safety and security and follow instructions. Remain calm and encourage others to do the same.
Follow directions from emergency personnel and public safety officials
If a campus or building lock-down is issued by safety officials, occupants of any building within the impacted area should lock all doors and windows and remain in the building, office or classroom until the all clear has been given
Safety tips
Vehicle safety. More than one million cars, new or old, are stolen each year nationwide. But there are many ways to cut down on the chance of being a victim:
- Always lock your car and take your keys with you
- Never leave your car running without you, especially at a convenience store or in winter months when you want to warm it up
- Don't hide spare car keys in your car and always park in well-lit and busy areas
- Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Glance under your car, around it and in the back seat
- Be careful to stow valuables out of sight. Don't leave GPS devices, laptops or valuable accessories like power cords or earphones in clear view
- Consider an anti-theft device. Auto alarms and bar locks are not foolproof, but typically discourage or delay a thief
- Consider auto insurance that includes theft
Bicycle safety
- By law, bicycles must have front and rear lights when used between dusk and dawn
- Wear bright clothing to increase your visibility
- Conduct an ABC (air, brakes, chain) check before you take off
- Always ride with the flow of traffic
- Obey all traffic laws and traffic control devices, lights and markings. Know your local bike laws as well
- Ride defensively — always pay attention to the road, other drivers and your general surroundings. Don't just assume that the cars around you will follow the law or extend common courtesies. Ride predictably — learn common hand signals
- When leaving your bike outside, use a U-lock between the frame and wheel. Don't use cable locks that can be cut.
- If possible, store your bike indoors, especially at night.
Drug and alcohol policy
AOD prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution or dispensing of alcohol or controlled substances by students or employees in AOD buildings, on grounds or property, or as part of any college activity. Any full- or part-time student/employee found to be in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Students also are responsible for the actions of their guests. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, cocaine derivatives, heroin, barbiturates, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, tranquilizers and inhalants. Students and employees are to be aware that illegal manufacture, possession, use, distribution or dispensing of controlled substances may subject individuals to criminal prosecution.
Awareness and preparation
With the support of key safety experts, AOD has developed a proactive effort to assess and improve our public safety and security approaches. This effort has resulted in a comprehensive and layered approach to strengthening our public safety strategy, including:
- Active 24/7 AOD locations security, finger print scan security doors
- Continuous crime trend analysis to maximize safety
- The strategic installation of security cameras that are monitored continuously
- Open talk safety awareness programs for students and staff members
- Visible uniforms on AOD security officers
- Security officers posted at AOD buildings to check ID's, bags and log in visitors
- Hand-activated emergency call/fire boxes strategically located throughout AOD in Colombo Innovation Tower.