Reveal Graduate Design Showcase 2021

AOD presents REVEAL Graduate Design Showcase 2021

Come join the movement to create this new world - the call to create, the call to design, to innovate. Open up to a brand new future with AOD as AOD presents its annual display of its most inspiring young design talent. 

Come and explore 10th, 11th & 12th December

Reveal 2021 Graduate Design Showcase will be held at Sri Lanka’s latest innovation catalyst space the Colombo Innovation Tower (CIT). Free entrance/registration for talk, workshops, lab experiences, hire design talents and much more.

Program includes:
Design Exhibition Showcase 
Graduate Fashion Showcase
Design Katha

Contact us for more details or explore facebook on @aodsrilanka or instagram @aod_design. Call  077 572 7772, AOD - 58, Colombo Innovation Tower, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 04.

We believe in a future where the world is in better balance. Where the most catastrophic blindspots of a mishandled past are resolved with creativity. This future cannot be born without a creative you.