Aod introduces MA programmes from De Montfort University, UK

We see these MA programmes more as an international and futuristic multidisciplinary MA, added with high level mentorship and sort of like working at an innovation lab at the Colombo Innovation Tower, where you commercialise business ideas, products and projects and basically re-skill and reinvent yourself for this new world. 
Those who join this MA programme will be a part of an Incubation lab at CIT (Colombo Innovation Tower). It will be like working on more of an entrepreneurial venture, where your come up with ideas, concepts, business plans etc., and we will work closely with you to develop these as well as re-skill and reinvent yourself. It will not be your traditional MA programme, where you just leave with a certificate at the end of this. We will work closely with you so there is a bigger outcome that you can take forward, implement and basically future proof yourself and your business.
We will also be having a start-up fund, for those who need it and also help you build networks and connections to take your business or even your social idea to the next level.
Please Whatsapp/text Amreeya on 0767771488 or email for more information on your preferred programme.