AOD’s Merit Based Design Education Funded Program : Visual Communication Design

AOD’s Merit Based Design Education  Funded Program : Visual Communication Design

AOD in collaboration with CIT Labs in Sri Lanka and the leading Industry Design partners offer selected candidates an opportunity of receiving a special fully funded opportunity to follow a prestigious British Degree in Graphic Design Visual Communication from Northumbria University - Newcastle, UK to fill a growing in the void for AOD visual communicators.

The core of the fully funded program is to identify local creative, design and innovative talents, grooming them to drive the industry forward to position Sri Lanka as a leading creative industries hub. At the same time AOD through its funded programme is assisting to meet and fulfill the demand for Visual Communication.

The Funded Program Details

Selected candidates will follow Graphic Design Visual Communication at AOD, offered by the Northumbria University - Newcastle , UK. The duration of the program is 5 years and the program will be conducted free for the selected candidates. In return the students will sign up to be employed as an intern in CIT Labs on the basis of 5 hours a week during year one and 10 hrs during year two, 20 a week during year 3 and full time in year 4 and 5 and during these years four and five student will receive a monthly allowance. Upon achievement of the degree from AOD, students will have 5 years of work experience, making them highly employable locally and internationally in the design industry. The student will sign a three way bond with AOD, the third party financial institute, CIT labs.

Benefits of AOD’s Fully Funded Program

  • 100% free degree from AOD Campus.
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate from the Northumbria University - Newcastle.
  • Opportunity to work in CIT Lab ( Colombo Innovation Tower) as an intern.
  • Opportunity to engage in all extracurricular activities at AOD.
  • Graduate with 5 years of experience in the Design industry.
  • High demand for AOD graduates with higher salary scales.

Offered Undergraduate Program

BA in Graphic Design Visual Communication

Entry qualification

  • G.C.E. O/L with Credit Passes for Mathematics and English.
  • G.C.E. A/L: 3 Passes OR above for main subjects in any stream.
*Please note that these are minimum entry requirements, and does not necessarily guarantee a position to the intake. Students are selected through a special selection process.


  • After the call for applications, successful applicants will be invited to participate in written tests followed by interviews conducted by a special panel
  • Once these two steps are successfully completed, the applicants are invited to participate in an induction programme at AOD campus to prepare them for the work / study programme that is to follow.
  • From the beginning, CIT Lab will be involved in the selection process to assure that the selected candidates fulfil their requirements.
  • Once the selection process is completed, the successful graduate, the Bank, AOD, CIT will sign a Tri-Party-Agreement in which the monthly payment schedule for AOD’s fee, the stipend to the graduate and other details are specified. The contract will be for a period of 5 years.
Special Cohort Commencement Date : 1st March 2021

How to Apply

Click here to apply online

Eligible candidates will be invited to take part in a selection test and an interview and will be offered the degree based on the results.

Call 0775847772 ,0115867772 for more information.