Netflix and YouTube streaming in your Tesla?

According to Elon Musk’s tweet on Saturday he stated ‘Ability to stream YouTube & Netflix when car is stopped coming to your Tesla soon! Has an amazingly immersive, cinematic feel due to the comfy seats & surround sound audio.’

Currently, Tesla is equipped with games such as Cuphead and Super Breakout where the steering wheel works as the remote to play games. However, they games can only be played when the car is stationary. Similarly, the streaming services will also only work when the car is stopped.  Elon Musk has always wanted the Tesla cars to act as a hub of entertainment, and now he’s offering a cinematic experience with the car’s surround sound and seats.

Elon Musk is always looking for ways to innovate the future, and when we say innovate the future, we truly mean each word. He takes the currently available technology, enhance it 10 years into the future, and then measure what he could create with it.

As a design student, we should be able always looking beyond the world’s norm, and figuring out how to enhance a situation to the betterment of humanity and nature. How, as a design student, can you save the world? Where do you start?

Photo caption: Musk standing in front of a Tesla Model S in 2011 (From Wikipedia)
