International Diploma in Fashion Design


Become a directional designer with a creative vision and commercial realism to uphold your career within the fashion textile & design sector. Obtain the formal qualifications needed to meet the competitive industry requirements as well as new and upcoming opportunities around the globe.

Why Study Fashion Design? 

Students are exposed to a complete range  of technical skills in model drawing, pattern  drafting, draping, color illustration, jewelry  and textile design. The curriculum also  includes computer-assisted design, fashion  aesthetics, the theory of composition  and color, fashion history and a range of  business-related courses. 

Understanding The Business Of  Fashion 

Our fashion curriculum has a strong focus  on the marketing, merchandising and  business management of clothing and  accessories. Students are taught how to  interpret theoretical knowledge to predict  various trends that affect the global  industry. They learn to employ visual and  theoretical research and analysis skills to  identify the supply and demand trends, and  to explore strategies for merchandising and  marketing of apparel. Our internships help  students to appreciate firsthand how the  fashion industry works.

Fashion Designers Set The  Trends 

In reality, few other professions depend  as much on keeping on top of the ever changing popular opinion and watching  what competitors produce. The life of a  designer is intimately linked to tastes and  sensibilities that change at a moment’s  notice, and he or she must be able to  capitalize on, or even better, influence  those opinions. Fashion embodies the ideas  and the attitudes of the time we live in  and every generation of designers gets to  remake the world through their designs.

